GitHub Actions events
At Release Engineers we've decided to set up a project to capture GitHub Actions workflow events together with all context variables available to a workflow. With these captures you'll know exactly what you can expect from GitHub. Keep in mind your own workflows may receive events differently; so if you'd like to capture this information as we do for yourself, check out our reference implementation.
- on:
- branch_protection_rule:
- create
- delete
- discussion:
- discussion_comment:
- fork
- gollum
- issue_comment:
- issues:
- label:
- milestone:
- pull_request:
- closed (the main event for merging a pull request)
- opened
- ready_for_review
- synchronize
- pull_request_review:
- pull_request_review_comment:
- pull_request_target:
- push
- release:
- watch:
- workflow_call
That's all, folks!
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